Saturday 5 March 2011

SOS Beauty Tips

SOS please someone help me...and so the song goes. Every now and then I find myself in some beauty related dilema and impressively enough I always seem to get through it (pat on the back for moi). So I have decided to share some of my biggest beauty mishaps and subsequent SOS solutions. So, if you ever find yourself in the midst of a make-up/sartorial/beauty related disaster you won't go into total meltdown mode!

SOS Tip #1: Match Box Nail File

There's nothing worse than chipping your nail and then having the bugger snag on everything you touch, including your face. My nifty solution? Use the strikey side (you know what I mean!) to file down chipped or borken nails. Volia! No more snags or facial injuries.

SOS Tip#2: Sole Spray

New shoes smell good, look good and feel good. Ok, I take the last statement back. Sometimes walking in new shoes feels like you teetering on the edge of life itself. To prevent shoe slippage (a serious side-effect associated with new shoe wearing) spray hairspray on the soles of your feet so they 'stick' to your shoes. No more slip-sliding away! (Cue Paul Simon song).

SOS Tip#3: Ladder Up With Clear Nail Varnish

Outfit? Check. Shoes? Check. Accessories? Check. Ladder in tights? Crap! Everyone has been plagued with a ladder in their tights at some time or another. My first foray into the world of ladders was when I was getting ready for my first ever disco (I don't think they're called that anymore, showing my age). Anywho, I was putting on my tights when a dirty, sneaky ladder appeared. Whilst hyperventilating at the thoughts of going tight-less my lovely mummy nipped the problem in the bud by simply applying a coat of clear nail varnish to the ladder to prevent it from taking over my whole leg. Easy peasy!

SOS Tip#4: Shaving Foam Shortage

If you ever run out of shaving foam and need to tame the beasts growing on your legs simply use hair conditioner instead. It gives the same smooth effect but just take your time, it's not as good as shaving foam but in a SOS situation it's a life-shaver. See what I did there?!

SOS Tip#5: Shiny Smile

This is an old beauty queen trick: If you haven't got time to brush you teeth but still want a glowing grin then rub a bit of vaseline on your front teeth. It will make them super shiny and is great for quick pics and instant sparkle.

If you have any other beauty SOS solutions then please let me know so I can work on my disaster recovery plan now!

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