Friday 11 March 2011

Top, Middle or Bottom: Office Drawer Essentials

As much as I loathe working at a desk, I do find the drawers a bonus! Here I can keep all my emerency goodies and beauty back-ups amidst the papers, discs and general rubbish I've accumulated. Here are a few office drawer essentials I swear by:

Top Drawer

Here I keep all my 'bare necessaries' like hand sanitiser (for when all the hand soap runs out and it's replaced with water - gross), wipes (facial and baby), a mini toothbrush and toothpaste and hand moisturiser (Soap and Glory do a great mini one). These are basics that allow me to be somewhat presentable in a matter of minutes.

Middle Drawer

This is where I keep my 'me' stash. This includes my MP3 player, magazines and solid perfume. This is my fav drawer once lunch time rolls around because I can chillax with some music and a mag whilst fervently sniffing my wrist!

Bottom Drawer

This is my go-to-drawer if I'm invited (last minute) out somewhere and I have to hide the fact I've been downing Dime bars,  twiddling my hair profusely and clutching the radiator all day. This drawer includes heels (nude heels are great for going with everything), dry shampoo to mask the grease that has built up through ample twiddling and a mini-makeup bag full of pick-me-up items like Clarins Beauty Flash Balm, lipgloss, cream blusher, black eyeliner and mascara. A facial mist is also great for a quick moisture boost - badly needed after a day's love-in with the radiator (I'm a very cold person!).

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